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Cooking Recipes Season 3
Full list of ingredients to cook all meals of Season 3
S+ Tier Recipes

Hearty Baked Beans
2x Pinto Beans, 2x Jerky

Hearty Apple Pie
2x Apple, 2x Honey

Hearty Bacon Stew
2x Jerky, 1x Raw Meat, 1x Water

Hearty Can
2x Apple, 2x Berry

S Tier Recipes

Delicious Baked Beans
3x Pinto Beans, 1x Jerky

Delicious Apple Pie
3x Apple, 1x Honey

Delicious Bacon Stew
2x Raw Meat, 1x Jerky, 1x Water

Delicious Can
2x Apple, 1x Berry

A Tier Recipes

Fresh Baked Beans
2x Pinto Beans, 1x Jerky

Fresh Apple Pie
2x Apple, 1x Honey

Fresh Bacon Stew
3x Jerky, 1x Water

Fresh Can
1x Apple, 1x Berry

B Tier Recipes

Ordinary Baked Beans
2x Pinto Beans

Ordinary Apple Pie
2x Apple

Ordinary Bacon Stew
2x Jerky, 1x Water

C Tier Recipes

Simple Baked Beans
1x Pinto Beans

Simple Apple Pie
1x Apple

Simple Bacon Stew
1x Jerky, 1x Water

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