Ultimate Hero-Ship Guide
Discover Compositions and Builds for all your Ships!
Classification of Heroes

List of Heroes

Hero-Ship Comps

Your flagship serves as your primary vessel and must prioritize high tankiness and durability to withstand enemy attacks. This is crucial because if your flagship's HP drops to zero, you are immediately defeated. Defensive heroes like Ahab, Magnus, and Agnes fulfill various roles in Flagship build: they can generate shields, boost shield power, increase armor, cause damage reduction or manipulate aggro.
Shields absorb incoming damage, while armor reduces the damage taken, making your flagship as tanky as possible. The crucial element is the aggro skill, which directs enemy ships to focus on the ship that has aggro. Magnus and Agnes excel at drawing aggro away from your smaller ships. Because smaller ships typically utilize high-damage offensive builds, they are vulnerable targets. Therefore, as Magnus or Agnes generate aggro, enemy ships prioritize attacking your tanky Flagship instead, ensuring the protection of your smaller, more vulnerable vessels. The more they increase the aggro the more enemy will focus on your Flagship. And they will continue to deal damage as long as they remain alive which means more damage done to enemy fleet.
For the First Mate (middle) spot, the meta favors a support champion. The most popular heroes used for this position are either Cursed Ed, who debuffs the enemy fleet, or Cordelia, who enhances the durability of your flagship by providing healing and cleansing debuffs placed by the enemy.
If you're advanced in the game and find yourself among the stronger players on the server, you may consider using an offensive hero for the First Mate spot, especially if you're not utilizing them in another ship for a more optimized build. Also, once you reach Season 4 and obtain Obi, you can place him in the middle spot
Blazing Hero-Ship Build

Stormbringer Build
Crimson Sentinel Build

Blazing specialized ships and heroes inflict damage over time on the enemy. Heroes specializing in the Blazing category enhance Damage over Time effects, apply stacks of Burning to enemies, and deal additional damage to enemies with Burning stacks. In Season 1, since you receive the Crimson Sentinel for free, the Blazing build is the easiest to achieve at the beginning of the game. Acquiring Lester may be challenging if luck isn't on your side, but the build should function well with Zola as the captain. For the First Mate spot, you can utilize Will Fitzroy until Season 2, at which point you can switch to Tanaka.
If you prioritize durability over dealing damage, you can replace Zola or Ned with Cordelia, and Will Fitzroy with Madame Lulu or Cordelia. If you have Lester, he should be your Captain in this build.
Drowning Hero-Ship Build

Stormbringer Build
Crimson Sentinel Build

Drowning specialized ships and heroes apply damage over time effects to the enemy. Heroes focused on the Drowning category amplify these effects, apply stacks of Taking on Water, and deal increased damage to targets with Taking on Water stacks. Depending on the number of Taking on Water stacks on the enemy, Barnacle can increase the skill cooldown of the target ship, causing enemy heroes to use their skills less frequently. Conversely, Morrison decreases the skill cooldown of the heroes that are on the same ship with him, allowing for more frequent skill usage.
Since both Drowning and Blazing builds utilize the same small ships, it's preferred to use the Blazing build over the Drowning one at the beginning. This preference arises because Drowning heroes prioritize ships with high remaining HP. It's more advantageous to defeat a low HP ship first, as the heroes on that ship will be eliminated and will no longer be able to use their skills. This makes the Blazing build more effective in early-game scenarios. Once you reach Season 2 and acquire Stormbringer and Adeline, you have the flexibility to use both setups, as you will then have two small ships that utilize both Blazing and Drowning. Additionally, Adeline is a formidable hero, particularly when upgraded to 6 stars with all skills unlocked.

Strategist Hero-Ship Build

Fearless Princess Build
Orochi Build

Strategist Heroes possess a variety of skills that define them as "Strategists." Molly has the ability to inflict Weakness and Severe Wound on targets, reducing their damage output and healing received, while also applying Strategic Vulnerability, causing them to take increased damage. Griffin deals amplified damage to ships with more than 60% remaining HP, and he boosts armor while reducing aggro for the ship he belongs to. Moreover, the more Strategic Damage his ship deals, the more frequently he can use his main skill. Lastly, Boa enhances the Strategic Damage output of both the ship and heroes she accompanies.
This build can be somewhat costly, as it requires purchasing Fearless Princess with real money, along with Boa, who is only available through VIP market offers also requires purchasing with real money. Additionally, summoning Griffin requires hymn conches (yellow shells), which can be challenging to collect in the game. Ideally, you would want Boa and Molly at 4 stars to unlock all their skills, and Griffin at 6 stars for optimal performance. Purchasing Fearless Princess may not be advisable if you cannot also obtain at least two of the mentioned heroes at an advanced level. However Boa can be replaced with Delilah, who also applies Strategic Damage Vulnerability on targets like Molly, resulting in increased Strategic Damage taken. Additionally, Delilah boosts rage restoration for the first 15 seconds of the fight, enhancing early-fight offensive capabilities. Henry Hell is not recommended because, despite dealing strategic damage, he lacks skills that either buff allies or debuff enemies.
Cutthroat Hero-Ship Build

Warhammer Build

Cutthroat specialized ships and heroes excel in increasing critical rate and damage, lowering the critical resistance of enemies, and most notably, focusing and dealing more damage to low HP enemy ships. Cutthroat damage revolves around critical damage and critical rate. Critical damage indicates that the next attack can deal more damage than usual, while critical rate represents the probability of the next attack landing as a critical hit.
Bones, recognized as one of the most formidable heroes in the game, inflicts additional damage to low HP enemies. He also boosts the attack of his fellow shipmates while reducing both his and their skill cooldowns. Additionally, Bones decreases the aggro of the ship he is aboard. He should be placed in the same ship with other Cutthroat Heroes as he decreases the damage of the other types. In addition to her primary Cutthroat skills, Luna increases the aggro of her target, thereby raising the likelihood of other heroes and ships targeting the same enemy. Furthermore, after performing their skills, both Bones and Luna have a chance to execute their skills once more. Kojo Holo possesses one of the most unique skills in the game: he ignores the target's armor when launching his attacks. Once you reach Season 3 and obtain Onimusha, you can place him in the middle spot tho.
The Cutthroat specialized ship Warhammer boasts potent skills that enhance the abilities of the heroes aboard, increasing their attack, critical damage and rate, and amplifying their attacks on low HP enemies, among other bonuses.While Warhammer is initially available as a purchase-only, expensive ship in Season 1, it becomes craftable in Season 2. However, the crafted version may not be as powerful as the purchased one. Together, with Bones, Kojo Holo, and Luna aboard Warhammer, you have a formidable high-damage source. It's important to note that none of these heroes should be swapped with support heroes, as this composition boasts a significant damage output.

Artillery Hero-Ship Build

Goddess Satjit Build

Artillery specialized heroes focus on increasing and enhancing the basic attacks of the ship, thereby augmenting the Artillery Damage inflicted upon enemies. When Artillery heroes execute their skills, the ship launches additional basic attacks, which can also contribute a percentage of Artillery Damage.
With Ophelia as the captain of this build, enemies are made more vulnerable to Artillery type damage. Additionally, the ship performs a counter-attack when damage is received and reduces the cooldown of fellow shipmates each time the ship deals Artillery Damage. Qi Lanting specializes in providing specific cannonballs and enhancing artillery on her ship, thereby increasing the damage output. With her aboard, after every basic attack, there is a chance of additional basic attacks and the opportunity for artillery damage. Additionally, she reduces the cooldown of her shipmates, enhancing overall combat effectiveness. Sharky also amplifies the number of basic attacks, and whenever his ship executes basic attacks, he inflicts Artillery damage. Once you reach Season 4 and obtain Chizuru, you can place her in the middle spot.
In summary, creating a mutually beneficial cycle of damage amplification: Artillery specialized heroes enhance and multiply basic attacks, which in turn either increase Artillery damage or trigger Artillery attacks, moreover, Artillery Damage skills further boost basic attacks.